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Meet Our International Ministry Representatives & GNPs
An international network and affiliation of sports ministry leaders who are engaging in our mission of equipping local churches to change lives through sports outreach to start a church sports ministry movement in their own country
CSRM's Global Network Partners (GNP's) are reaching their communities, nations, and continents with the gospel through sports ministry as they train & equip local indigenous church leaders in how to create evangelistic-disciplemaking models. GNP's are the most important link between CSRM and the worldwide local church. They are the boots on the ground that provide the hands and feet as they train, lead, guide, serve, equip, connect and encourage each church to grow in their vision to start a national church sports ministry movement. CSRM’s desire is to serve, mobilize, and empower GNP's from around the world to more effectively train trainers who will then equip the local church for evangelism, discipleship, and church planting through sports outreach.
Click on the pictures below to learn more about each ministry.
International Ministry Representatives
Kennedy Salano
Kenya |
Director of Central Asia |
Director of South Asia |
Global Network Partners
Bradley Barnes
South Africa |
Henry Banda
Malawi |
Charles Mwanda
Kenya |
"George Jr."
Southeast Asia |
Henry Lynne
Myanmar (Burma) |
Yolanda Whitaker
Cayman Islands |
Aimable Manirambona
Burundi |
Francis Chivuta
Zambia |
Sawado Nshimyimana
Rwanda |
Xtrmo Sports
Brazil |
Alban Yambela
Gabon |
Seroj H.
Armenia |
Ukraine |
NEXT MOVE a sports ministry in the Netherlands.
Visit their website at
(The website is in Dutch and may require a translating app)
Visit their website at
(The website is in Dutch and may require a translating app)
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