Will You Help Us?
Our ministry is completely dependent upon the generosity and partnerships of individuals, organizations, and churches like you! If you would like to support CSRM, our ministry representatives or internationals, please considering donating a one-time or recurring gift. Start by selecting a group below.
Thank you for your support!
10% of donations go toward CSRM to help with overhead and operating costs.
Thank you in advance for your generous gift to The Association of Church Sports and Recreation Ministries (CSRM). Your gift will go to work immediately investing in our mission to equip and mobilize churches for outreach, evangelism and discipleship. DONATION DISCLOSURE : CSRM is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your gift is a sacred trust. We promise to honor your generosity by using your gift to equip and mobilize churches for outreach, evangelism and discipleship. Thank you!
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