AboutMore ministry details to come.
Yolanda is married to her husband Alfredo, and they have three children, Ashleigh, Alfredo Jr. and Alejandro. Prayer Requests
Ministry UpdatesClick below to see what Yolanda and Cayman Church Sports Outreach are doing:
September 2019
January 2020
November 2020
Yes, I live on a beautiful Island, and when people hear of Cayman they think of money and assume we don't have any needs, but trust me we do in different kinds of ways, like every other country around the world. I certainly could do with some support to get more Bibles to give out freely to all who ask and need, especially in the sporting atmosphere. I would like to be able to organize more sports outreach events & training throughout the different communities in the Cayman Islands. Through these outreach events, people's lives are being touched more people are hearing the Gospel and several have considered their lifestyles. I close with the scripture taken from Romans 10:14-15. How can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? How can they believe if they never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells him? That's why the Great Commission commands us to :"GO". 2021
December 2022
Support YolandaWhen you give today, you are helping Yolanda put on more sports ministry events to further reach the people of the Cayman Islands.
After clicking the Donate button, be sure to choose Yolanda Whitaker from the drop down menu. |
Cayman Islands FactsPopulation: Approx 64,420*