We're so passionate about providing practical
resources that we created our own resource division.
Through the work of our staff and SR&F experts around the world, we built a resource collection that includes sports ministry certification, a yearly conference at the REACHGathering, classes through our AGON institute as well as books, podcasts, online roundtables, training manuals and much more!
Check it out at www.overwhelmingvictory.org. |
AGON Institute of Sports Ministry |
Videos & PodcastsWeb based training and equipping on various strategic and relevant topics. Visit our podcast library here and follow Overwhelming Victory on YouTube and Facebook.
Books & Manuals |
- REGIONAL GATHERINGS & National Conferences
- Gatherings of local church sports outreach leaders who throughout the year for the purpose of equipping, training, partnering and fellowship
- Podcasts & Videos
Web based training and equipping on various strategic and relevant topics. Visit our podcast library here and follow Overwhelming Victory on YouTube and Facebook. - Books & Manuals
- Blog
- Follow us online- give social media icons
- Certification
How can we help you and your ministry?
CSRM has over 33 staff members around the world who can assist you and your church
with your sports, recreation, and fitness ministries.
How do I start a sports ministry in my church?
Can my church have a sports ministry if we don't have a gym?
Where can I go to meet other sports ministers?
with your sports, recreation, and fitness ministries.
How do I start a sports ministry in my church?
Can my church have a sports ministry if we don't have a gym?
Where can I go to meet other sports ministers?
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